This was 2023 from a digital rights perspective: We look back on an eventful year.

The rapid speed at which digital technologies are becoming increasingly connected and penetrate all areas of life also requires constant adaptation of legal regulations. This development also extends to the fighting of crime. Despite existing regulations at the regional level (for example, the…

Even though its effects are very visible, the ePrivacy Directive is hardly known to the wider public. Cookie consent dialogues, familiar to every web user, are often associated with GDPR and widely complained about since 2018. However, they are really a consequence of the ePrivacy Directive's…

The Austrian constitutional court decided on 11.12.2019 that the surveillance law that permits the use of spying software to read encrypted messages violates the fundamental right to respect for private life (article 8 ECHR), the fundamental right to data protection (§ 1 Austrian data protection…

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Title Date Publication Publication details Type of publication Mentioned
01/27/2016 Wiener Zeitung Print no
01/27/2016 Wiener Zeitung Print no
07/04/2015 Der Standard Print no
06/01/2015 Die Zeit Web no