What others say about epicenter.works

Cory Doctorow

Author, Blogger

Anyone can point at a complex problem with technical policy and say, 'Something must be done!' It's not enough to do something - we must do something good. That's where Epicenter.works comes in: they unpack the complex, intersecting forces at the heart of the problem and produce proposals that are both effective and technical.

Tim Wu

Professor at Columbia Law School, coined the phrase "Net Neutrality"

epicenter.works has been smart, strong and incredibly effective in the European battle for Net Neutrality – and they are ahead of the game on what's next.

Constanze Kurz

Spokesperson Chaos Computer Club

epicenter.works is worth being supported because they research important information, inform the general public and bring alternative political ideas into discussion.

Caspar Einem (2021 †)

Former Austrian Minister of the Interior and Science

If we are the renewable resource of the 21st century, then high quality standards in data protection become more and more important. It is good to know, that with epicenter.works we have an organisation from the civil society, which has made exactly this as their goal. Congratulations to your 10th birthday.

Max Schrems

Privacy Advocate and Founder of NOYB – European Center for Digital Rights

The work of epicenter.works is essential for data protection in Austria. This organization is a loud voice of civil society.

Julian Hessenthaler

Security Consultant

Before my trial began, there were hardly any voices in Austria that named my prosecution for what it was: politically motivated because of the Ibiza video. I’m very grateful that the people from epicenter.works had the courage to address and prove this publicly and clearly right from the start. It certainly involved a considerable risk for the independent association, but in the end it turned the tide of public debate and opinion.

Katherine Maher

Former Executive Director Wikimedia Foundation

Today, we're living our live digitally. If we want our society to be open and free, then our digital spaces need to be open and free as well. epicenter.works is a vital force in keeping our basic liberties.

Matthias Strolz

Founding member and former chairman NEOS

We need a transparent state instead of transparent citizens. Civil society has a big role to play in protecting our fundamental rights and freedoms online. Epicenter.works is a pioneer in this field. They are competent, committed and know how to mobilize. I wish them continued success!
