This summer, the EU established strong net neutrality protections for its citizens. After three years of fierce negotiations a broad coalition of activists, journalists, media associations, academics, librarians and startups brought about the enshrinement in law of the principles that make the…

New net neutrality guidelines from the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) confirm strong protection for net neutrality, and for the free and open internet in the European Union. 


"Based on a preliminary reading of the text, this is a triumph for the European…

Tomorrow telecom regulators from all over the EU will gather in Brussels for a uniquely challenging task: analysing over half a million responses to their consultation on net neutrality.


AKVorrat has co-drafted several responses in the public consultation for the new EU net neutrality rules. Our main positions are outlined in the policy analysis co-drafted with European Digital Rights (EDRi). But we also wanted to respond to a recent, particularly nasty attack on net neutrality from…

Academics, technology leaders, the web's inventor, and over 500,000 people write to EU regulator BEREC in one clear, unified message: protect net neutrality.




Yesterday, activists from delivered over 100,000 comments from concerned citizens right to the doorstep of BEREC, the body of EU telecoms regulators located in Riga, the Latvian capital. Their message: protect the open internet with strong, meaningful net neutrality rules.


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With over 93,000 comments and counting, EU telecom regulators' consultation on net neutrality has received unprecedented attention from concerned EU citizens. The campaign is making a final push this week in a bid to reach 100,000 comments.



The activists at SaveTheInterne…

More than 7,000 websites protest with a slow loading icon based on the EU flag, to demand that European Union regulator BEREC get serious about net neutrality. Their campaign has already helped over 50.000 users take action and respond to BEREC's  consultation.  The “EU Slowdown” protest runs until…

Today a U.S. appeals court issued a decision to uphold the FCC rules on net neutrality. The court’s decision is a decisive victory for pro net neutrality groups around the world because the biggest Internet innovator in the world is now leading the way to solid protections against discrimination on…

You want to save the Internet?

We are looking for a Writer/Campaigner for Net Neutrality (temporary for three months)


In the upcoming weeks and months Europe will decide how free and open the Internet will be in the future. Until the end of August we want to set the wheels in motion together…