Shortly after the EU gave a green light to upload filters, two laws were proposed in Austria - each with the alleged goal of tackling online hate speech - that rang the alarm bells.


The law on "care and responsibility on the net” forces media platforms with forums to store detailed data about…

Lit-up facade of the Museum of Modern Art in Graz, Austria collects money for privacy


Press mentions on this topic

Title Date Publication Publication details Type of publication Mentioned
11/20/2023 Salzburger Nachrichten Web yes
11/20/2023 Web yes
11/19/2023 ORF Magazin | Hohes Haus Television yes
11/18/2023 Kurier S. 26 Print yes
11/18/2023 ORF help - das Konsumentenmagzin Radio yes
11/17/2023 Kurier S 7 Print yes
11/17/2023 Ö1 Morgenjournal Radio yes
11/17/2023 Ö1 Frühjournal Radio yes
11/17/2023 ORF ZIB2 Television yes
11/17/2023 Kurier Television yes