It has become a nice tradition for our organisation to publish the previous year’s transparency report  with the financial and activity key figures in summer. Also this year, we would like to take the opportunity to look back on the highlights of the previous year and, in the interest of…

With the publication of our annual transparency report we briefly revisit the year 2021. The second year of the pandemic was again very inspiring, busy and exciting for the team here at


Although the team spent most of the year working from home, we never lost our sense of…

As we do every summer, we are publishing our annual transparency report. The pandemic year of 2020 was one of the most turbulent, busiest, but also one of the most exciting years in the association’s history.


We had anticipated 2020 to become a very special year to us. was…

Press mentions on this topic

Title Date Publication Publication details Type of publication Mentioned
11/20/2023 Salzburger Nachrichten Web yes
11/20/2023 Web yes
11/19/2023 ORF Magazin | Hohes Haus Television yes
11/18/2023 Kurier S. 26 Print yes
11/18/2023 ORF help - das Konsumentenmagzin Radio yes
11/17/2023 Kurier S 7 Print yes
11/17/2023 Ö1 Morgenjournal Radio yes
11/17/2023 Ö1 Frühjournal Radio yes
11/17/2023 ORF ZIB2 Television yes
11/17/2023 Kurier Television yes