91. India – Call for Withdrawal of Telecommunications Bill ...

Together with an international group of organisations and experts, we urge the Indian Department of Telecommunications to withdraw the Telecommunications Bill, 2023, and protect fundamental…

92. Quo Vadis – Cybercrime Convention?

The year is drawing to a close - and one of the topics that was and still is high on our agenda is the planned United Nations Cybercrime Convention.

93. Passenger Name Record

Content: What is the EU PNR Directive? Why is the PNR Directive problematic? What data is stored? How far is he implementation of PNR in Austria? Our main criticisms of the Austrian…

94. AI Act – Open Letter Before Final Negotiations

EU lawmakers are being pressured by governments and security industry lobbyists to trade away our fundamental rights and freedoms. As the supposedly final negotiation on the EU’s landmark Artificial…

95. EURODAC database civil society statement

Civil society calls for an end to the expansion of EURODAC, the EU database for the registration of asylum-seekers. EURODAC, designed to collect and store migrants’ data, is being transformed into an…

97. Stellungnahme zum DSA-Begleitgesetz

Stellungnahme im Rahmen des Begutachtungsverfahren zum DSA Begleitgesetz mit dem der Digital Service Act der EU in Österreich umgesetzt und das Kommunikationsplatformen Gesetz(KoPlG) ersetzt wird.

98. Your Right to Cash and the Digital Euro

What are potential risks and benefits of a digital euro and the right to cash? Our first analysis of the European Commission’s proposals.

99. EU Digital Identity Reform: The Good, Bad & Ugly in the...

The good, the bad and the ugly about the final result of the big EU digital identity reform.

100. eIDAS: Open Letter pre Trilogue conclusion 500+...

Open Letter signed by over 500 academics and 40 NGOs from over 30 countries. The letter raises problems with the current draft and outlines safeguards to address them. It is addressed to the…
Search results 91 until 100 of 514