It has become a nice tradition for our organisation to publish the previous year’s transparency report with the financial and activity key figures in summer. Also this year, we would like…
Police & migration authorities are increasingly using AI for harmful & discriminatory surveillance. Together with 114 civil society organisations, we are calling on EU lawmakers to…
Together with over 80 human rights organisations we urge EU governments to say NO to the Child Sexual Abuse Regulation proposal until it fully protects online rights, freedoms & security.
We outline the most important changes from a citizen and data protection perspective. Other crucial issues remain open in trilogue and can be found in our open letter to the negotiators from 4.…
This paper explains the concept behind the DearMEP software. The online campaigning tool aims to make it easier for NGOs to connect citizens in their constituency to Members of the European…
An unprecedentedly broad range of stakeholders have raised concerns that despite its important aims, the measures proposed in the draft EU Child Sexual Abuse Regulation are fundamentally…
On 4. September 2023 we sent this open letter to the negotiators of the digital identity reform of the EU (eIDAS) raising alarm about dangerous proposals put forward by the European Commission.…
Civil Society Works! is the leading Austrian NGO fighting for fundamental and human rights in the digital age. The organisation is funded by donations and works against the…