272. Joint open letter by civil society organizations and...

In this joint open letter, 146 civil society organizations and 28 independent experts worldwide call on states to implement an immediate moratorium on the sale, transfer and use of surveillance…

273. Call for an immediate halt to the use of...

Offener Brief, der die Call for an immediate halt to the use of biometrictechnology in the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games

274. NGO demands disclosure of A1 Telekom Austria Group’s...

The civil rights NGO epicenter.works protested in front of the A1 Telekom Austria Group’s building yesterday to raise awareness of the involvement of the partially state-owned company in the…

275. Five reasons to claim victory on the EU Digital COVID...

Today, the European Parliament votes on the interinstitutional compromise text on the regulation(s) on the EU Digital COVID Certificate (EU DCC, also known as the Digital Green Certificate and…

276. Policy Brief for the Trialogue Negotiations on the...

Policy Brief for the Trialogue Negotiations on EU Digital COVID Certificate (EU DCC, also known as the Digital Green Certificate and the European Green Pass) by Liberties.eu and epicenter.works.

277. Offener Brief für ein weltweites Verbot von...

Zusammen mit 179 Organisationen und Einzelpersonen aus 55 Ländern veröffentlichen wir heute einen offenen Brief in dem wir ein weltweites Verbot von biometrischen Erkennungstechnologien, die eine…

278. European Commission ignores civil society concerns and...

Today the European Commission has published guidelines for the implementation of the Copyright Directive which undermines users’ protections. Upload filters (aka censorshipmachines) operated and…

279. Data retention, location data, cookie banners: the...

Even though its effects are very visible, the ePrivacy Directive is hardly known to the wider public. Cookie consent dialogues, familiar to every web user, are often associated with GDPR and…

280. BVT: a lot of power, no trust and too little control ...

Despite being one of Austria's most powerful institutions, the Federal Agency for State Protection and Counterterrorism (abbreviated BVT in German) does not enjoy a good reputation. Numerous past…
Search results 271 until 280 of 510