13 civil society organisations have submitted a complaint to the Portuguese regulator on one of the most extreme net neutrality violations in Europe, urging them to use their authority to prohibit so-called zero-rating offers.


“Portugal features the worst net neutrality violations we have seen in…

Zero-Rating as a ticking time bomb for Net Neutrality


How does Net Neutrality fare after being passed into European law? In his talk “Net Neutrality Enforcement in the EU” at the 34th Chaos Communication Congress (#34C3) Thomas Lohninger examines the first full year of enforcement in the EU. He…

In November 2015, the European Union adopted the Net Neutrality Regulation (2015/2120), which contained a number of compromises that needed clarification. The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) was given the task of developing implementation guidelines to ensure a…

On 5 October, AKVorrat filed a complaint against mobile operator Hutchison Drei based on Drei's violations of net neutrality principles. Now the operator has given in and stopped the offending practice. At the same time, Drei has more than quadrupled data volumes included in its data plans, and in…

New EU rules regarding net neutrality are being brought to use for the first time by AKVorrat. By filing a complaint with the telecom regulator RTR the Austrian NGO, which is representing several users, has documented illegal discrimination of Internet services by the mobile provider Hutchison Drei…

This summer, the EU established strong net neutrality protections for its citizens. After three years of fierce negotiations a broad coalition of activists, journalists, media associations, academics, librarians and startups brought about the enshrinement in law of the principles that make the…

New net neutrality guidelines from the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) confirm strong protection for net neutrality, and for the free and open internet in the European Union. 


"Based on a preliminary reading of the text, this is a triumph for the European…

Tomorrow telecom regulators from all over the EU will gather in Brussels for a uniquely challenging task: analysing over half a million responses to their consultation on net neutrality.


AKVorrat has co-drafted several responses in the public consultation for the new EU net neutrality rules. Our main positions are outlined in the policy analysis co-drafted with European Digital Rights (EDRi). But we also wanted to respond to a recent, particularly nasty attack on net neutrality from…

Academics, technology leaders, the web's inventor, and over 500,000 people write to EU regulator BEREC in one clear, unified message: protect net neutrality.