361. AMS Integrationserwartungen: Erfahrungen, Befunde,...

Dr. Marius Wilk, der Leiter des Büros des Vorstandes hat uns dieses Dokument freundlicherweise zukommen lassen. Es zeigt 17 Geschäftsfalltypen inkl. der ermittelten Arbeitsmarktchancen, die…

362. Updating Net Neutrality in the EU: 5G, Zero-Rating,...

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) is currently in the process of overhauling their guidelines on the implementation of the Regulation (EU) 2015/2120, which…

363. Antrag gemäß Art. 15 DSGVO auf Auskunft gegenüber dem...

Antrag gemäß Art. 15 DSGVO auf Auskunft An/Verantwortliche: Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich, Bundesgeschäftsstelle z.Hd. Datenschutzbeauftragter Treustraße 35-43, 1200 Wien

364. Stellungnahme zur StVG- Novelle 2019, 166/ME XXVI.GP ...

WIEN / 14. Oktober 2019 Stellungnahme zum Gesetzesentwurf eines Bundesgesetzes, mit dem das Strafvollzugsgesetz und das Bewährungshilfegesetz geändert werden (StVG-Novelle 2019); do. GZ…

365. Open letter to Facebook supporting end-to-end encryption...

The organizations in the document write to encourage Facebook, in no uncertain terms, to continue increasing the end-to-end security across Facebook’s messaging services.

366. We are hiring: Project manager for copyright campaigns...

Update: The vacancy has been filled already.  ----------- epicenter.works defends civil liberties in the digital age, and is committed to a free and open internet. Our main goal is…

367. Our PNR complaint to the Federal Administrative Court ...

A few weeks ago we have filed a complaint with the Austrian data protection authority about the Passenger Name Record. Our aim is to overturn the directive, in other words to virtually abolish…

368. Beschwerde gegen die Fluggastdatenspeicherung ans...

Unsere Beschwerde ans Bundesverwaltungsgericht in der eingreichten Fassung

369. Zero-rating in Portugal: Permissive regulator allows ISP...

This is a guest post by Eduardo Santos of the Portuguese digital rights organisation D3 - Defesa dos Direitos Digitais. You can find the Portuguese version of this story on D3's…

370. platformregulation.eu: An attempt at a fundamental...

To foster the debate about one of the most complicated digital rights issues of our time, epicenter.works releases today its first draft for a proposal on platform regulation. What regulation is…
Search results 361 until 370 of 510