The current plans for the technical implementation of the European Digital Identity Wallet would make it unsafe for citizens to use. In a joint statement, we urge policy makers to pay full justice to…
This week, the final round of negotiations of the so called “UN Cybercrime Convention” has started. The content of the treaty seriously alarms us as a human rights NGO, so we once again travelled to…
Der Untersuchungsausschuss ist eines der wichtigsten Instrumente einer funktionierenden Demokratie. Politische Vertreter:innen werden zur Verantwortung gezogen und Missstände wie Korruption und…
In a joint open letter we urgently want to draw attention to the persistent critical flaws in the latest draft of the UN cybercrime convention and urge member states not to sign the convention in…
Together with 47 civil society organisations, we sent a joint statement to the Hungarian Council Presidency and a number of member state permanent representatives. We call on the Council and European…
Wir haben es in der Hand! Jeden Tag erkennen mehr Menschen, wie wichtig Digitalpolitik für ihr Leben ist – für ihre Kinder, für den Rechtsstaat. Je mehr Menschen mithelfen, gute Lösungen zu finden,…