Anlässlich der Koalitionsverhandlungen 2024 äußern wir uns mit einem Forderungspapier zur Umsetzung des Rechts auf analoges Leben. Wir wollen damit einen konstruktiven Beitrag leisten für Maßnahmen…
For 12 years, major internet providers have been trying to get paid twice for their services under the guise of a “fair share debate”. This time, the focus is on Deutsche Telekom, which wants to…
The undersigned organizations and individuals representing civil society, academia, technical, and consumer organizations, wish to congratulate Henna Virkkunen on her nomination as…
The proposed amendments are based on the first batch of implementing acts in their updated version from 22. October 2024 and the second batch of non-paper drafts for Articles 5b, 5d, 5e, 11a, 45d,…
Today, our efforts to see the bad proposals for a european eID implementation fail could convince a blocking minority of EU Member States in the Comitology meeting. Because the Commission saw that…
Together with other organisations and individual experts, we urge all EU member states tovote no when the draft UN Convention against Cybercrime comes to a vote at the General Assembly.
Grund-, Freiheits- und Menschenrechte müssen unabhängig von der politischen Ideologie die Grundpfeiler unserer modernen, österreichischen Gesellschaft sein. Gemeinsam mit der der Österreichischen…
The proposed amendments are based on the first batch of implementing acts in their updated version from 8. October 2024. To better understand these proposals, we refer to our extensive, in-depth…