This letter on the European Health Data Space and the ELGA opt-out (Elektronische Gesundheitsakte – electronic health record) was sent to: Austrian Chancellor Nehammer, Vice-Chancellor Kogler, Minister of health Rauch, State Secretary for Digitization Tursky, the Austrian parliamentary party whip,…

The year is drawing to a close - and one of the topics that was and still is high on our agenda is the planned United Nations Cybercrime Convention.

What are potential risks and benefits of a digital euro and the right to cash? Our first analysis of the European Commission’s proposals.

The good, the bad and the ugly about the final result of the big EU digital identity reform.

Transparency is key for a healthy democracy. This holds true for all democratic institutions, national and international (including the European Commission). Unfortunately, according to a recent analysis by Civil Society Europe the Austrian Permanent Representations of Member States to the European…

It has become a nice tradition for our organisation to publish the previous year’s transparency report  with the financial and activity key figures in summer. Also this year, we would like to take the opportunity to look back on the highlights of the previous year and, in the interest of…

An unprecedentedly broad range of stakeholders have raised concerns that despite its important aims, the measures proposed in the draft EU Child Sexual Abuse Regulation are fundamentally incompatible with human rights. This Article was orignally published at


The proposed EU ‘Regulation…

This article follows the publication of La Quadrature du Net’s investigation ʻCriminalization of encryption: the 8 december caseʼ. It has been signed by more than 130 individuals and organisations. The full list of signatories is available here. It has also been published on the website of the…

One single app to rent a hotel room, prove your age, your educational, financial or health certificates, or to access digital public and private services? Sounds convenient? Well, it is. But if done wrong, it will be equally easy for corporations, authorities or even bad actors to create highly…

Joint Civil Society Letter on the Removal of Commission Officials’ Details from the ‘Whoiswho’ Directory


Enabling civil dialogue sometimes boils down to simple things like access to contact details. Therefore, over 110 European civil society organisations signed a letter initiated by Civil…