This was 2023 from a digital rights perspective: We look back on an eventful year.

The new Austrian whistleblower protection bill leaves much to be desired. A recent press briefing held by Transparency International, Forum Informationsfreiheit and offered context and explained the bill’s considerable shortcomings and omissions. On 1st February the bill was debated…

At the start of the trial against security adviser Julian Hessenthaler, who played a key role in the making of the so-called Ibiza video1, 18 Austrian and international human rights organisations express their concern that his excessive criminal prosecution could – intentionally – have a deterring…

Press mentions on this topic

Title Date Publication Publication details Type of publication Mentioned
11/20/2023 Salzburger Nachrichten Web yes
11/20/2023 Web yes
11/19/2023 ORF Magazin | Hohes Haus Television yes
11/18/2023 Kurier S. 26 Print yes
11/18/2023 ORF help - das Konsumentenmagzin Radio yes
11/17/2023 Kurier S 7 Print yes
11/17/2023 Ö1 Morgenjournal Radio yes
11/17/2023 Ö1 Frühjournal Radio yes
11/17/2023 ORF ZIB2 Television yes
11/17/2023 Kurier Television yes