This was 2023 from a digital rights perspective: We look back on an eventful year.

The repetition of the trial in which the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office, Andreas Holzer, brought private charges against the well-known cabaret artist Florian Scheuba for defamation in a satirical column will start tomorrow., Amnesty International Austria and the Vienna…

Transparency is key for a healthy democracy. This holds true for all democratic institutions, national and international (including the European Commission). Unfortunately, according to a recent analysis by Civil Society Europe the Austrian Permanent Representations of Member States to the European…

Joint Civil Society Letter on the Removal of Commission Officials’ Details from the ‘Whoiswho’ Directory


Enabling civil dialogue sometimes boils down to simple things like access to contact details. Therefore, over 110 European civil society organisations signed a letter initiated by Civil…

Whistleblowers have an important corrective function in a democratic society because they expose misconduct like corruption, abuses of power and white-collar crimes. They frequently incur high personal risks. Threats directed against them or even family members are however just the tip of the…

The review period for the Freedom of Information Act ended on 19 April 2021. Austria is the only country in the EU where official secrecy is still regulated at constitutional level. This has made it difficult for citizens to obtain information about government action or the use of tax revenue. The…

Press mentions on this topic

Title Date Publication Publication details Type of publication Mentioned
11/20/2023 Salzburger Nachrichten Web yes
11/20/2023 Web yes
11/19/2023 ORF Magazin | Hohes Haus Television yes
11/18/2023 Kurier S. 26 Print yes
11/18/2023 ORF help - das Konsumentenmagzin Radio yes
11/17/2023 Kurier S 7 Print yes
11/17/2023 Ö1 Morgenjournal Radio yes
11/17/2023 Ö1 Frühjournal Radio yes
11/17/2023 ORF ZIB2 Television yes
11/17/2023 Kurier Television yes