411. Upload filters approved: EU parliament votes for...

Despite weeks of intense protests from civil society, MEPs have voted in favour of upload filters and Article 13. The fundamental rights NGO epicenter.works announces that it will take this law…

412. Gesetzesentwurf zur Ausweispflicht im Internet...

Diese Fassung des Gesetzes ist der letzte Leak vor dem Begutachtungsentwurf. UPDATE: inzwischen wurde der Begutachtungsentwurf veröffentlicht. Die Begutachtungsfrist beträgt 6 Wochen. Hier…

413. Voting List for the Copyright Directive (Article 13...

Voting list for the plenary vote on the EU copyright directive in the European Parliament on 26 March 2019. Recommendation to delete Article 13 (upload filter) and Article 11 (ancillary…

414. Offener Brief Urheberrechtsreform

Gemeinsam mit ISPA, Allied for Startups, C3W, Verband Freier Radios, AustrianStartups, Digital Society, Freischreiber und Wikimedia Österreich richten wir einen Offenen Brief an die…

415. Record number of calls to the EU Parliament against...

With just two weeks to go until the final vote on upload filters in the European Parliament, one hundred MEPs have pledged to vote against Article 13 of the proposed Copyright Directive. Many…

416. 112/ME (XXVI. GP) - Wehrrechtsänderungsgesetz 2019 –...

WIEN / 25. Februar 2019 Stellungnahme Zum Ministerialentwurf für ein Gesetz, mit dem das Wehrgesetz 2001, das Heeresdisziplinargesetz 2014, das Heeresgebührengesetz 2001, das…

418. Report: Net Neutrality Compliance and Enforcement in the...

It has been two-and-a-half years since net neutrality laws were enacted in the European Union — are they working? Comprehensive new research by the Vienna-based nonprofit epicenter.works…

419. Report: The Net Neutrality Situation in the EU

Evaluation of the First Two Years of Enforcement This report is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

420. Survey of all differential pricing offers in the EEA ...

Study Objectives The objective of this mapping is to create a complete data set about offers of zero-rating (ZR) and application specific data volume (ASDV) in the European Economic Area…
Search results 411 until 420 of 514