With just two weeks to go until the final vote on upload filters in the European Parliament, one hundred MEPs have pledged to vote against Article 13 of the proposed Copyright Directive. Many citizens feel like their legitimate fears about the future of the internet are not taken seriously, as…

It has been two-and-a-half years since net neutrality laws were enacted in the European Union — are they working?


Comprehensive new research by the Vienna-based nonprofit epicenter.works answers this question, examining if telecom companies are breaking net neutrality rules, how regulators are…

The principle of net neutrality has been protected in the European Union since 2016. Half a billion people benefit from the protection against network discrimination by telecom companies. Net neutrality is a founding principle of the internet and one of the most essential digital rights. It ensures…

By Bits of Freedom


In August 2018, EDRi, together with nine other NGOs, at the initiative of our Dutch Member Bits of Freedom, wrote a letter asking the European Commission if it is possible to do independent research on the implementation of EU rules on net neutrality without being independent.…

13 civil society organisations have submitted a complaint to the Portuguese regulator on one of the most extreme net neutrality violations in Europe, urging them to use their authority to prohibit so-called zero-rating offers.


“Portugal features the worst net neutrality violations we have seen in…

Zero-Rating as a ticking time bomb for Net Neutrality


How does Net Neutrality fare after being passed into European law? In his talk “Net Neutrality Enforcement in the EU” at the 34th Chaos Communication Congress (#34C3) Thomas Lohninger examines the first full year of enforcement in the EU. He…

All across Europe, nearly everyone seems to agree that the European copyright regulations need to be updated and brought into the 21st century. However, some of the proposed measures appear to be flashbacks to darker times in our past or to the methods of authoritarian dictatorships. This is…

Lit-up facade of the Museum of Modern Art in Graz, Austria collects money for privacy


In November 2015, the European Union adopted the Net Neutrality Regulation (2015/2120), which contained a number of compromises that needed clarification. The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) was given the task of developing implementation guidelines to ensure a…

The Austrian coalition parties have renegotiated their government programme in January 2017. This new programme contains a so-called “security package” that encompasses the introduction of several new surveillance measures and additional powers for the Austrian security agencies. These changes in…